Overview: Paris Fashion Week Spring/Summer 2013

My very first Fashion Week Paris this September was beyond exciting! Many things are totally different compared to Berlin: For example, there is not one big location: the shows take place all over the city which makes it sometimes a bit difficult to attend two shows that are directly one after another. The locations themselves are also a bit smaller, while the guests are more international. It was very fascinating for me and I really hope this was not the last time for me to attend the Fashion Week in the French capital. Here is an overview of which shows I attended and what else I did.
Meine allererste Fashion Week in Paris diesen September war ziemlich aufregend! Einiges lief ganz anders ab als in Berlin, zum Beispiel gibt es nicht eine Haupt-Location, sondern die Shows sind quer über die ganze Stadt verteilt. Die Räumlichkeiten sind teilweise auch kleiner und das Publikum viel internationaler. Ich fand es unglaublich spannend und hoffe, dass dies nicht meine letzte Pariser Fashion Week bleiben wird! Hier gibt’s nochmal einen kleinen Überblick über alles, was ich während der Pariser Modewoche so unternommen habe.
/// Moon Young Hee
/// Aganovich
/// Steffie Christiaens
/// Nicolas Andreas Taralis
/// Seoul’s 10
/// Streetstyle before Carven, Part 1
/// Streetstyles before Carven, Part 2
/// PFW Outfit: Green Silk and Gold
/// Capsule
/// PFW Outfit: Rooftop Terrace
/// Pascal Millet
Wow that’s so cool! And great photography too.
I see we share many of the same interests as I love to write about fashion and travel among others too!
xxx Jocelina