Winter Pleasures & Christmas Feelings

Während einer kleinen Geschenke-Einpack-Session gestern Abend konnte ich direkt vor meinem Fenster die wunderhübsche Schneestimmung genießen, die ihr auf dem Bild oben seht.
Ich bin gerade tatsächlich schon ein wenig im Fashion Week Stress, immerhin ist es nicht mal mehr ein Monat bis dahin – nichtsdestotrotz wollen aber auch alle Geschenke rechtzeitig hübsch verpackt sein. Bei mir herrschte gestern Abend Bastelstimmung deluxe, denn vor Jahren habe ich die Tradition angefangen, alle Weihnachtskarten immer selbst zu entwerfen. Meine diesjährigen sehen so aus:
While I was wrapping presents yesterday evening, the view above was exactly what I saw directly out of my window: Breathtaking snow landscape!
At the moment I can’t believe it, but I am already a bit stressed with planning everything for Fashion Week in January since it’s less than a month until it starts – but nevertheless all my Christmas presents have to been wrapped nicely too. So yesterday evening I had DIY mood deluxe: Some years ago, I started the tradition to create all the Christmas cards by myself, so these are this year’s ones:

Ein hübsches nachträgliches Geburtstagsgeschenk von meinen Freunden muss ich euch auch noch unbedingt zeigen. Dieser Geldbeutel ist so unglaublich toll – endlich habe ich einen, der groß genug ist für den ganzen Kram, den ich immer hineinquetsche. Außerdem hatte ich mich zugegebenermaßen an meinem türkisfarbenen Leo-Geldbeutel schon ein Weilchen sattgesehen.
Here is another birthday present I haven’t shown to you yet: I received a very classy leather wallet from my friends which is finally huge enough for all the stuff I’m squeezing into it. In addition, I kind of have seen enough my turquoise leo wallet.

In meinen Kleiderschrank durfte auch noch ein neuer Liebling einziehen, immerhin musste ich meine Auswahl an Winterjacken dieses Jahr doch mal endlich ein wenig aufstocken. Immerhin besitze ich ansonsten nur zwei Mäntel und eine andere Fake Fur Jacke, die ich schon vor zwei oder mehr Wintern gekauft habe. Diese hier ist jetzt von Asos, dank Sale auch für 20 Euro weniger. Hach, sie ist so kuschelig!
A new cutie was allowed to move into my closet. I really had to buy some winter coats this year, since I only own two coats and a fake fur jacket which I all bought more than 2 years ago. This one is from Asos and thanks to the sale I paid 20 Euros less. Aww, it’s so fluffy!

Nur noch drei Tage bis Weihnachten – wie feiert ihr so?
So, three days left until Christmas – what are your plans?
Hey Conny, as a old reader of your blog ( i started reading it almost the time you started writing it) i decided that its finally time for me to comment on one of your posts, as i was shy to do so before but now i am confident enough.
I always loved your posts and always appreciated that you show us things that we wouldn’t normally see as the berlin fashion week, which i couldn’t see otherwise cause i live in greece, this post couldn’t be an exception. what an amazing post it is Conny!
You are so lucky to be able to have such view outside your window, i almost feel jealous about it. it must be beautiful looking outside your window and seeing such view everyday.
Let me also comment on the fab leather purse you were given, as a person that appreciates good leather purses i have to admit that this is a very nice and practical gift to give.
also love the fur jacket, keeps you warm but still classy and glam.
as i made a Google account after many months of not having one, i am glad that i can now comment on your blog, follow you and create a blog of mine. which i did actually. and i would be very happy if u checked it out.
i can’t ask you to follow me or comment, cause this is not the reason i am writing to you, but still i would appreciate it a lot.
its my new blog and although i just started it and it needs lots of improvement and work i hope that you will find it interesting.
keep up the good work,
and the great posts as always
a fan of yours.
i hope that we will keep in touch.
merry christmas.
By the way i am really sorry for the extemely long message i wrote you, i hope i didn’t bother you, i just like to write long messages and say what i want to say and what i am thinking.,
i always appreciated long and detailed messages rather than :
great blog, i like it.
type of messages
You’re wallet is beautiful! Really nice. And I love the winter landscape. In my country it isn’t white yet.