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Hallo Herbst! Nach einer ganzen Woche Sommerhitze habe ich zum ersten Mal wieder eine lange Jeans und geschlossene Schuhe getragen. Ganz schön ungewohnt, aber die noch ganz neuen Buffalo Ankle Boots warten ohnehin schon seit ein paar Wochen darauf, endlich mal ausgeführt zu werden. In Kombination mit meiner Gina Tricot Bluse aus Stockholm war das mein Outfit für heute Abend – wir hatten Sushi zum Abendessen. Mmh!

Hello, Autumn! After a whole week of hot summer temperatures today was the first time for me to wear long jeans and boots. Really unfamiliar somehow, but my quite new Buffalo ankle boots were anyway waiting to be worn since I bought them some weeks ago. In combination with my Gina Tricot blouse from Stockholm this was my outfit for this evening – we went out for having some Sushi for dinner. Mmh!

Buffalo Chelsea Ankle Boots
Mango Leather Jacket
Diesel Predictor Bag
Gina Tricot Blouse
H&M Jeans
Asos Bracelet
D&G Watch
Necklace bought in Miami


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5 comments on “Monochromatic

  1. debi says:

    love this look a lot..just hyped it on LB

  2. Conny says:

    Thank you! :)

  3. Love, love, love leather jackets! =)

    Thanks for passing by! =)
    kiss, pi*

  4. Grazziella says:

    Love tihs outfit, really nice this rock side on you
    You look amazing
    Peace n’ Kisses from France

  5. barbara says:

    really nice otfit…the ring is really nice :)