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Fashiolista Sticker Contest – I need your help!

Hi Leute, ich habe beschlossen, an dem Fashiolista Sticker Contest teilzunehmen: Man sollte einen Fashiolista Sticker an einen besonders originellen Platz kleben. Dafür habe ich meinen Rollerhelm benutzt und ta-daa, das sind die Fotos, die wir geschossen haben. So, jetzt brauche ich eure Hilfe!

Hey Guys, I decided to take part in the stylish Fashiolista Contest which is about placing a Fashiolista sticker in an original place. I chose the helmet I use driving my cute scooter around for this occasion and ta-daa, these are the results. I now need your help by liking the photo on the Fashiolista Facebook page!

Wie ihr für mich abstimmen könnt:
1) Ihr müsst Fashiolista auf Facebook “liken”. Klickt dazu einfach hier.
2) Liked mein Foto unter diesem Link.
3) Danach könnt ihr ja Fashiolista wieder “unliken”…
Vielen Dank schon mal!

How to vote for me:
1) You have to like Fashiolista on Facebook by clicking here.
2) Then please like my photo by clicking on this link.
3) You can “dislike” Fashiolista after doing this if you like…
Thanks in advance! :)

I was wearing:
Dress bought in Thailand
Ray Ban Aviator Sunglasses
Buffalo Heels
Asos & H&M Bracelets


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7 comments on “Fashiolista Sticker Contest – I need your help!

  1. Isabela says:

    i love your blog, im following!
    follow me back, please?
    i following in fashiolista too!

  2. akila says:

    verry COOL! <3 =)

  3. Vanessa says:

    Sehr colles outfit! Tolles Kleid!

  4. Nice photos! good luck on the Fashiolista contest!


  5. RAlf says:

    Schöne Fotos netter Blog viel Erfolg ;)

  6. Yup, I know dear, I voted for you in the fashiolista contest a while ago ;)
    And your scooter is super cute! =)

    Kisses!! **